<p>Broccoli test, May 2012. At the end of each season, we conduct test plantings of seeds collected from the harvest. This image features two of the volunteers at First Farm and the results of the 2012 test planting of our famed Gulf Coast Calabrese Broccoli.The three rows of broccoli on display are from (each) the 2010, 2011, and 2012 season.We have found our broccoli seeds remain fertile for at least three years, and sometimes even longer.Friendship Farms and Fare features heirloom Calabrese broccoli. Our variety is call 3F Gulf Coast. We have been saving our broccoli seeds for several years, and they are listed in the Seed Savers Exchange yearbook.</p> <p>This variety of broccoli (Gulf Coast Calabrese) is fully climatized to the Gulf Coast of Florida, and especially the Springs Coast Watershed of West Florida.Seeds are available year round ($4.00 for a package of 30). Seedlings and young plants are available through the fall and winter growing season (see our listing for prices and sizes). At harvest time, luxurious heads are available through our <span class="caps">CSA</span>, the Suncoast Co-Op, at First Farm, and at other locations in West Pasco.</p>