Better Baked Goods
Website: betterbakedgoods.webs.com
I have created a line of traditional treats such as cookies, muffins,Pies,Cakes,Macaroons and so on that are diabetic Friendly and Gluten Free as well as Only sweetened with Organic Coconut Sugar and Organic Agave Nectar. I also only use whole fats that the body needs and can break down readily, I use Organic coconut oil, Organic Palm oil and butter when needed for the flavor.
I also add extra fiber by using Organic Flax seed and Organic Gluten Free Oatmeal as well to a majority of my products. I use fresh Organic fruit when possible in my fruit infused creations as well.
My line of treats that are so Delicious and Nutritious that they should be Fictitious!
Customer orders for egg free and diary free are not an issue.
I would also like to eventually add a raw line and a Vegan line also.
Thank you for your consideration.