Bell's Better Beans
Website: www.bellsbetterbeans.com
Bell’s Better Beans is a family-owned and operated very small farm happily growing gourmet snap beans. We believe strongly in natural farming practices, rejecting chemical controls in favor of natural methodologies of pest control and soil fertility, including crop rotation, companion planting, mulching and composting. We only use non-GMO seed (organic where available) and specialize in unusual and heirloom varieties, hand-picked at the height of freshness.
A few examples of our favorite varieties are the yellow-and-red speckled Tongue of Fire, the purple-speckled Italian heirloom Borlotti and whimsically named Dragon’s Tongue beans. Pencil Pod Golden Wax and Gold Rush sunny yellow beans brighten any plate. We also grow traditional heirloom Contender, Jade and Harvester green varieties. Our beans are as beautiful as they are tasty!